Implementing Google Drive

I have been working on getting everything sorted so that I can allow my class access to Google Drive.
I have created a class email account that is managed through our school server, and created individual folder for every student. In the next few days I will be embarking on a digital citizenship unit with my class.
Before I open Pandora's box I need to reconcile the following conflicts in my mind-
1-how will I manage children going into other peoples folders?
2- Will children be allowed to access it at home?
3- Perhaps if I have auto log in on my class devices then this will prevent out of school access?
4-  By constructing rules and guidelines with my class this  will give them greaters owenrship over it all and therefore minimise the risk of children abusing the privledge of learning in an online environment?

What is Digital Citizenship can be understood as the skills, knowledge, and values required to be an effective, ethical and safe user of ICT.

